
Most Americans would be outraged by a law requiring that certain library books be taken off the shelves and burned. How, then, would those same Americans react to a law that said: “The books can stay on the shelves, but destroy their index cards”? That, many argue, is what Europe’s highest legal authority, the Court […]

After nearly two years of litigation in a Civil Contempt action filed by the Office of the Attorney General (the “Commonwealth”), including nine days of trial in Suffolk Superior Court, the Honorable Linda E. Giles recently dismissed all claims against Rudolph Friedmann’s client. Jonathon Friedmann, Chair of the Litigation Department, assisted by Bobby Rudolph, represented […]

A recent decision by the US Bankruptcy Court has invalidated certain so-called “Homestead” protections in real estate that will likely affect many Massachusetts residents. First, a little background:


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